
with only 20 days from flying back to home sweet home, my passport decided to pull a stunt on me. it went MIA and vanish without a trace at most presumably 2 weeks ago. and i just realized it this morning. pathetic, right? *tsk*

a concerned friend of mine told me to get the emergency certificate (EC) from the malaysian embassy by paying LE50, a process which takes at least 2 weeks. after that, i was to apply for a foreign visa which will then cause me another LE200. but before i can do any of the steps above, first, i have to report this incident to the egyptian police for security purposes. all this must be done within 14 days (minus the exam days).

oh, great.
do note the sarcastic tone.

despite the predicament i'm in, i was optimistic. i performed my prayer and went to work. i moved my heavy bed from beside the wall and check in between the cracks because, well, maybe the passport fell under the bed after i looked at it the 2 weeks from before. i removed all my clothes from the closet and check under every single piece of clothing because, well, maybe i might have shoved it inside the cloth while changing clothes. i took my books out from the book rack and check in between pages because, well, maybe i might have slipped it in as a bookmark or something.

after searching high and low for that sneaky little red book for 6 hours, guess where i found it? just guess.

you got that right. when everything else fails, always remember to check at the opposite end of the bed because it might get stuck there and therefore not exactly located UNDER your bed. just suspended midair. besides, looking for lost things under the bed is so overrated. duhh. (=_=)

so We answered his prayer and saved him from distress. and thus, We do save the believers (who believe in the Oneness of Allah, abstain from evil and work for righteousness) [21:88]

alhamdulillah. You taught me well :)

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