call my name

i used to hate people calling me by my full name because my mum and dad used to call me that whenever he or she is in the full nagging-mode.

"farah nur, did you do the laundry i told you 1 hour ago?" asked dad.

"FARAH NUR, why are you not awake yet!" hollered mom.

"farah nur, have you seen this or that? you didn't misplace it again, did you?" asked dad.

"FARAH NUR, why aren't you studying!" demanded mom.

yup, definitely hate that special tone in their voice. how come whenever i use them on my brothers they never seem to work? it's supposed to intimidate them into doing their chores but they usually rebel back. haha. there were also friends of mine who pronounce my name from just farah nur to farahnor, with special emphasize on the nor. what the heck?! :P

well, that was then. now, i like signing off with farahnur.

toodles. :)


"farahnor, farahnor. why not farah yes?" my ustazah once ask.


anything but that, PLEASE! (>_<)

2 blue love received:

Sarah Mustaza said...

Farah nur, kita balik sama flight nanti kan?

eheh...saje nak guna name penuh. wink2. your ustazah is cute ^_~

farahnur said...

haha. sila2, sekarang dah tak kisah dah. macam bangga pulak bila orang panggil guna nama penuh. hihi~

yup2, nanti huru-hara la joden airline tu dengan kanak2 ain syams neh~ hahaha :D